The Bigger Purpose of Flipping Houses


Hello my friends,

I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed for the Uncommon Legacy podcast/radio show, in a show that was called, “The Bigger Purpose of Flipping Houses – with Brant Phillips

We talked of course about real estate and flipping houses, but we also dove into some of the other driving forces behind my ‘Why’ and my businesses.

I hope you enjoy the show and are able to gain some insights into for your own growth, mindset, expansion, wealth, etc…

*I also love what the guys put in their write up of this show, “Yes, “rags to riches” does happen. It’s not a lie. It’s the story of our most recent podcast guest, Brant Phillips. But we need to realize that before rags to riches happens in our bank accounts, it has to happen in our head.

That’s right, that’s the biggest thing standing in the way of you and wealth – the mind.

How we think, both consciously and unconsciously, determines how we handle money, and how money handles us.

You Can listen to the podcast HERE or below:

And read the full blog post HERE

All the best,